MD DNR Hunter Education

To purchase a hunting license or to hunt in Maryland, state law requires presentation of a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety (required for junior licensees), or certification that you held a hunting license issued prior to July 1, 1977. 

All states and provinces that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept Maryland Hunter Education certifications. Likewise, Maryland will accept hunter education certifications that are issued by other states and provinces that meet official IHEA-USA requirements.

Since states have begun requiring hunter education, over the last 30 years hunting incidents have drastically decreased, while the number of hunters has increased. Today, hunting is one of the safest outdoor activities you can enjoy.

Sanner's offers many Hunter's Education opportunities which can be found on the calendar below.  Two classes, the Hunter Education Field Day in conjunction with the internet class or the Traditional Hunter Education Class & Field Day, are required to obtain a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety.  Additionally, the specialty classes, Bow Hunter and Muzzle Loader, are also offered but are not required for the Certificate.

The classroom portion required to obtain your Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety may be completed online and then followed up with a required Field Day class.  Information on the internet class can be found here:  MD Hunter's Ed Course. The Field Day class is offered at SLSC.   Additionally, a traditional classroom Hunter's Education Class & Field Day is still offered at SLSC. 

For questions, please contact SLSC Lead Instructor for Hunter Education, Matt Campbell, .

Upcoming events


Go to the calendar and lick on the class to access the link to sign up on the MD DNR website.  Note that some classes may have per-requisites. To register for Hunter's Ed classes please visit -

Internet Hunter Education & Field Day Class

You must be 13 years of age or older to participate in this program. Upon successful completion of the Internet course, you will be issued a voucher to attend the field day workshop. (You print this voucher on your printer)

The Internet Course procedures are as follows:

  • The internet website is operated by a private vendor. 
  • Students may work through the internet course, and take a pre-test at no cost. There is no time limit. 
  • When the student is ready to take the 75 question final exam. A fee of $15.00 must be paid to the internet vendor.
  • All course content and chapter reviews must be completed prior to taking the final online exam.
  • The 75 question exam must be passed with a minimum score of 80 % in order to obtain a voucher that qualifies you to attend a mandatory a Maryland Hunter Education Field Day Workshop.
  • After passing the internet test, you will then print out a voucher on your home computer.

Hunter Education Field Day Workshop

  1. Students must bring their internet voucher with them to the workshop. Failure to present this voucher will prohibit you from continuing in the program.
  2. You will be required to provide a photo ID or proof of age upon arrival (driver’s license or copy of birth certificate). Failure to provide proof of identity will prohibit you from continuing in the program. 
  3. You will participate in a lecture covering hunter ethics, basic firearm safety and handling, and tree stand safety. 
  4. You must successfully complete a 50 question Maryland specific exam with a minimum score of 80%. 
  5. You will participate in field exercises which will include firearms handling and live firing. You will be evaluated in each of these activities. These activities take place outside, so dress accordingly. 
  6. Students will not bring firearms and ammunition to the workshop.  Firearms, ammunition, eye and ear protection will be furnished.  If you prefer, you may bring your own ear and eye protection. 
  7. Upon successful completion of all of the above and approval of the instructors you will be issued a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety which allows you to purchase a hunting license. 
  8. The field day workshop may last 4 to 6 hours, depending on number of students and starts at 9 AM.

Traditional Hunter Education & Field Day

  1. Minors under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. On the first day of class, a booklet will be distributed, called Today's Hunter. We will use that booklet to teach the remainder of class, and to be taken home as a study guide. The course will begin at 9 AM, please be flexible on the departure time, as we will have a lot of material to cover: a classroom review, field walk, live fire, and 50 question test. Attendance is required both days.
  3. You will participate in a lecture covering hunter ethics, basic firearm safety and handling, and tree stand safety.
  4. You must successfully complete a 50 question Maryland specific exam with a minimum score of 80%.
  5. You must participate in field exercises which will include firearms handling and live firing. You will be evaluated in each of these activities. These activities take place outside, so dress accordingly.
  6. Students will not bring firearms and ammunition to the workshop. Firearms, ammunition, eye and ear protection will be furnished. If you prefer, you may bring your own ear and eye protection.
  7. Upon successful completion of all of the above and approval of the instructors you will be issued a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunter Safety which allows you to purchase a hunting license.
  8. This traditional class is free of any costs to the student.
  9. An online resource can be used to study in advance. You will need to register to use the study guide but do not take the internet test, There is a cost of $15 to take the final test, which is not valid for this class (we give the test for free).
  10. Class is from 9AM-5PM each day.

Bow Hunter Specialty Class

  1. Minors under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. On the first day of class, a booklet will be distributed, called Today's Hunter. We will use that booklet to teach the remainder of class, and to be taken home as a study guide. The course will begin at 9 AM, please be flexible on the departure time, as we will have a lot of material to cover. Attendance is required both days.
  3. Must have your own equipment.
  4. Broad heads are used to shoot five arrows at unmarked distances.
  5. Three of the five arrows need to be placed in the vital organs to qualify.
  6. Dress appropriately for weather and wear supportive footwear.
  7. There will be a written test, if you feel you may need help with the test please let one of the instructors know.
  8. Upon successful completion of all of the above and approval of the instructors you will be issued a Certificate of Competency in Bow Hunting.
  9. Class is from 9AM-5PM each day.

Muzzleloader Specialty Class

  1. Minors under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. A booklet will be distributed. We will use that booklet to teach the class.
       a. History of Primitive Hunting Equipment
       b. Know Your Muzzleloader
       c. Basic Muzzleloader Safety and Skills
  3. There is no live fire, The workshop is classroom only.
  4. There will be a written test, if you feel you may need help with the test please let one of the instructors know.
  5. Upon successful completion of all of the above and approval of the instructors you will be issued a Certificate.
  6. Class is from 9AM - Noon.

Month: January 2025

Jan 1
Feb 1

Sanners Lake Sportmen's Club
PO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653

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