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  • NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting & MD HQL Class (Clubhouse)

NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting & MD HQL Class (Clubhouse)

  • 10 May 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Clubhouse, Pits

NRA Basic Pistol Course and MD HQL

Date:  8am - 4pm
Please arrive 15 min early out of respect for other students.

NRA Registration Link:  Register 7 days prior to event. 
(if after this date and you want to attend, please email the instructor)

Cost: $90  ($80 for SLSC members) 

 Cash or Checks made payable to:
Sanner's Lake Sportman's Club, Inc.
21591 Harrison St
Great Mills, MD 20634

Training Location:  Sanners Lake Sportsman, Inc. Clubhouse
 21374 Sanner's Lane
 Lexington Park, MD 20653

Instructor:  Nick Cromwell, NRA Instructor, 
MD QHI Instructor & SLSC Inc. Training Lead

Phone: 240-298-7239

Email: or
Please email Instructor for any questions.

Course Description: 
Teaching basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely.  This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols.

Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two-handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, course completion certificate and take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination.  MD HQL Training certificate will also be included upon successful completion of the class.

Course Details:
Course includes catered working lunch, NRA training materials, safety equipment (eye and ear protection), targets, ammunition, range-time and firearms rental, and support of certified firearms instructor(s). NRA Basic Pistol certification will be issued to all qualified participants.

Event will also include a catered working lunch.  If you have special dietary needs, please contact the lead instructor at least a week ahead of the class.  

This event also includes a separate course-module that provides an overview of MD State Firearms Laws, thereby meeting the training requirements for the Handgun Qualification License (HQL).  HQL Training Certificates will be issued to all qualified participants.  

Event will be held rain or shine.   

Course fee is payable at the event.  Fee is $90 ($80 for SLSC-members and immediate family) payable via check or cash.  Minimum age is 21 (18 if a parent or guardian is also a participant).  

Livescan finger printing MAY be made available at this event at cost of ~$65.  Fee will be payable directly to the scheduled LIVESCAN provider.   

If you have any questions email or,
send a text to 240-298-7239 (during the week)

The location of Sanner's Lake Sportsman Club is best seen on Google Earth.  Turn on Sanner's Lane in the 21400 block of Great Mills Rd. beside the St. Mary's Golf Shop/Driving Range.  The clubhouse is behind the white farmhouse .4 off of Great Mills rd.  After passing to the left of the white farmhouse turn right into the gravel drive, enter through the Club security gate (which should be left open) and drive straight for approximately .1 mile.  Please adhere to all speed limits.

21374 Sanner’s Lane
Lexington Park, MD 20653

Sanners Lake Sportmen's Club
PO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653

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