SLSC Range Safety Officer and Club Orientation Class
Presented by:
***This is a closed class, open to only SLSC New Members only.***
Primary instructor: Chief Range Safety Officer, To register for this class, please refer to the link provided in the welcome letter you were emailed when we confirmed your acceptance as a new member; this letter contained all the pertinent information you need to sign up for any of the seven New Member Orientation/NRA RSO classes we are offering this new membership year.
Course Description: Classroom training and Club Walk-Live Fire Assessment will be one 8 hr class (new members only need to choose one day) (0800-approx. 1600; check-in starts 0745.)
Goal; to develop NRA Certified Range Safety Officers who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
In addition to NRA RSO course material, we will discuss SLSC, Inc. ByLaws, Standard Operating Procedures and other SLSC, Inc. specific information to help orient you to your new club.
As a final assessment of your skills and safe gun handling knowledge and practices, we will conduct a brief live-fire assessment at the pistol Bulls Eye Range.
Class will run from 8 AM until ~4:00 PM. Please arrive promptly out of respect for other students.
Course includes NRA training materials.
Event will be held rain or shine.
Sanners Lake Sportmen's ClubPO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653